Freitag, 7. März 2014

Canon MP495 refill reset / Error P08

Hey guys,

let's say, you refilled your cartridge and all of a sudden, your printer doesn't want to print anymore or the pages come out absolutely white... It's time to reset the printer with the following steps (thanks to

  1. Unplug the printer from power and wait 5 sec then plug it back in.
  2. Press "Stop/Reset" button for 2 sec and hold it.
  3. Now press and hold the "Power" button also with "Stop/Reset" for 5 sec.
  4. Release only "Stop/Reset" and wait for 2 sec (still holding "Power" button)
  5. Now press and release "Stop/Reset" 5 times.
  6. After 5 sec release "Power" button also (no LCD only power light is working).
  7. Wait for a minute (counting starts after step 6).
  8. Now power off the printer by pressing "Power" button.
  9. After 30 Seconds press "Power" button again. You are ready for printing NOW :-)
Please take the timing seriously (by counting in your head)!

Good luck.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

This was a helpful tool to get my printer working again. Thanks.

Kathy hat gesagt…

I was able to follow your instructions and obtained a solid green light without any alerts or error messages. However, as soon I turn the printer off and on again, the error is back. This is further than I have gotten with lots of other advice! Can you please help with any more suggestions? I just replaced the ink cartridges and hate to see it wasted. Thank you!!